Bust intervention celebrating
75 years of Batman
Steam Punk Batman
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. Latin America with the support of MUMEDI, the Mexican Museum of Design called on only 33 Mexican creatives from different areas to participate in the exhibition called "BATMAN THROUGH MEXICAN CREATIVITY" for the development and intervention of fiberglass pieces celebrating Batman´s 75th Anniversary.
​In order to achieve this look, I initially researched elements from the steam punk genre and quickly wrote down what I wanted to incorporate. Once I had all the features, I did a test in order to get the right color I was looking for. It ended up being a combination of copper spray paint with instant coffee. The rest of the pieces I made from product I picked up at a hardware store, designed and 3D printed, leather goods and modeling clay. After the expo the bust was auctioned and the money recollected went towards Make a Wish foundation.